Ultimately, brushing your dog’s teeth once or twice a week is already an achievement on its own because no dog opens his or her mouth willingly ever. The good news is, doggie toothpaste is usually flavored with chicken, malt or other things that dogs just love so once they get a hang of the “brushing”, they will soon love their tooth brushing/eating sessions.
Brushing your dog’s teeth does not only combat periodontal disease but also prevents a number of other health problems that root from diseases in the gums.
Brushing your dog’s teeth keeps your dogs healthier and in turn will also make their lives longer. If you would like to save money on your pet’s maintenance, brushing his or her teeth is essential because the healthier your pet is, the less money you will have to spend at the vet’s.
To make brushing your dog’s teeth easier, train your dog to be comfortable with you having to hold his or her mouth and the insides of it. With your dog being comfortable with you doing this, it will be a lot easier for you to administer doggie toothpaste inside his or her mouth.